We believe in finding life balance of the whole person.
So, we offer programs that nourish your creative spirit, curiosity, flexibility,
persistence, spirit of adventure and love of play.
Art Classes
Student Art
Students are free to explore independently, or have structured guidance. Students will be in a judgement-free environment of learning and support. A place where free play of creativity and expression of self is embraced, while respecting the space and others students present.
Fee Options*
Saturday afternoons: $90.00
2:00 – 3:30pm
Drop In
* +HST
Adult Drawing and Watercolour
Lessons in drawing and painting mediums, teaching traditional techniques from realism to the abstract form.
Adults are free to explore independently, or have structured guidance and assignments. We encourage free play of creativity and expression of self. Classes encourage the exploration of multi-media materials and creativity by examining the world around us. From beginners to those with experience, we will provide a judgement-free environment of learning and support.
Fee Options*
Sunday afternoons: $90.00
2:00 – 3:30pm
Drop In
* +HST