Check out the options below and
We teach the Goju Ryu system of Karate based in Japan
At ACT, karate training is integrated with theories of combat and other martial art techniques, including judo and weapons. As your knowledge of Goju Ryu Karate increases, you will develop confidence, find your power and develop effective methods of self defense.
It’s also an ideal way to strengthen your muscles and bones, increase energy, improve sleep, reduce risk of chronic disease. On other words: getting fit and feeling great.
Added benefits: You will gain confidence, learn to set goals, increase awareness and improve memory, to name a few.
Introduction Package:
6 weeks of classes
3 classes / week
Karate Gi
Register before
April 1 and Save $20
Core Programs
Children: 4-6 years
Classes are designed with your little one’s capabilities in mind. Fun & active – your child begins the basics of skills and movements used in Goju Ryu Karate.
2 classes / week + Saturday Kumite class
Youth: 7-12 years
Students gain confidence, develop physical and social abilities, as they learn the art of karate. Using fun skills and drills in addition to traditional structure, the foundations for learning this ancient art and how it is applied, are established. Sport karate is also introduced as students gain knowledge and experience.
2 classes / week | + Saturday Kumite class
Adults (18+ ) & Teens: 13 – 17 years:
Get fit, healthy, and energized! Make friends, learn practical applications of self-defense as you develop your knowledge of Goju Ryu Karate. Skill level expands with different katas, types of sparring and how to apply in self defense.
Core Program is 2 classes / week (Mon-Thurs) + Saturday applied/kumite
Open: Core Program + access to Open Practice sessions and scheduled classes.
We have a new option for older adults:
Check out our new program ACT+ for details.
New Afternoon class forming – Contact Us
Monday & Wednesday
Youth 7-12 years 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
Adult & Teen 13+ years 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Recreational or High Performance – Like competing?
Train and enjoy a regional tournament! As you improve and develop, you may find you love it so much you want to train for Regional, National and International competitions.
Introduction Packages (as of April 1st)
6 week trial | Karate Gi (uniform) included
3 classes / week
Children (4-6): $105.00
Youth (7-12): $115.00
Teens (13-17): $125.00
Adults: $145.00
Core Memberships*:
Children: $65.00/monthly
Youth & Teens $85.00/monthly
Adults: $110.00/monthly (Core)
Includes 2 classes per week + Saturday Kumite class
Open Adults : $125.00/monthly
Open membership is the Core Membership + access to Open Practice schedule.
8 Class Pass $135.00
Use within 3 months
* + HST